We understand that rather than being seperate from the natural world we are part of the same ecosystem – from the samllest gnat to Buzz (the Buzzard) who spends a lot of time on the track telephone pole surveying his kingdom. Wherever we can, we are hoping to encourage more and diverse fauna and flora to live here. Some of them I could do with less – midges for example. Our hope is that if we can find some sort of balance there won’t be too many of any one thing. So with the midges if the bat population is optimal they will eat some of the midges. Burmieston is only a little place though so there are limits to what we can achieve but everyone can do something. Variously sized boxes are dotted around the buildings to help: for swifts (thanks to Elspeth Coutts!) in the gables, for bats on the house and various trees, for owls at the back of the barn, and even hedgehogs in the garden.
Some of the bird species seen this year include: buzzards, tawny owls, kestrels, curlews, lapwings, snipe, oyster catchers, black grouse, cookoo and more. Butterflies include peacocks, orange tips, cabbage whites and monarchs.
Learn more!
You can of course step out of the door and explore the local fauna and flora for yourself but if you would like to learn more Perthshire Wildlife can reveal those natural secrets hiding in plain sight! With an excellent knowledge of Scottish wildlife, a degree in Environmental science and a Masters in Sustainability, Daniele has worked as a Wildlife Guide, Swift Conservation Project Officer, Scottish Dragonfly Officer and Countryside Ranger for the last twenty years. She is leader of the Tayside Swifts Group and one of the co-founders of the Tayside Amphibian & Reptile Group. Having led hundreds of guided walks, with first aid, walking leader and risk assessment training, you will be in the best possible hands!
Perthshire Wildlife and Burmieston are hoping to organise a Wildlife Break in 2020. Let me know if you might be interested!