Burmieston Farm, Logiealmond, Perthshire, PH1 3TL 0783 749 5327 hello@burmieston.co.uk

Autumn Seasonal Recharge Retreat

Autumn retreat with Susan Grandfield, Mindfulness Coach - 12th/13th November 2022

A mindfulness based retreat using nature as a way to help us move effortlessly though life's transitions.

Coming back to the peaceful, wise and compassionate place that is within all of us takes practice, it requires commitment and it's not easy to do alone.

This retreat will offer you the opportunity to cultivate all of the above in a nourishing, inspiring and peaceful location with a small group of similarly mindful and compassionate people.

The details:

12th/13th November 2022

A one or two day retreat that includes guided mindfulness practices, morning and afternoon tea breaks and a nourishing lunch.

You can make the most of your experience by staying in one of the unique and beautiful rooms at Burmieston.

The retreat is intended for anyone who has some awareness of mindfulness or has tried meditation. You may have done an 8 week course (or similar) or have meditated for a while and so already have some experience. If you are unsure whether this is the right retreat for you, drop me an email - susan@susangrandfield.com - and we can have a chat.

Send us an enquiry